New Requirements – By Raven Queen

Hello Fellow Corp Members;
Just wanted to go over a few things everyone needs to know about the changes that are coming in the immediate future with the Corp. I will highlight all important information in an organized manner, and if you still have any questions, please don’t hesitate to shoot me or MinerAstroid Morales a message or mail. BE WARNED, THIS IS A FAIRLY LONG EMAIL, BUT IT COVERS EVERY IMPORTANT CHANGE COMING IN THE IMMEDIATE FUTURE

So to start things off I will give you a quick list of the changes coming into effect the next few days-week. This will help you understand the expectations of both the Alliance, and Apex Sanctum as a Corp itself.

Firstly: EVERYONE in Apex Sanctum is expected to relocate their “Home Base” to H-ADOC. The corp is officially making this a requirement as of Saturday, April 26th 2015. We are basing ourselves completely out of Null-Sec now and it will be expected of ALL ACTIVE MEMBERS to have their active base and respawn area down in our sector.

—-On a side note to the above statements, we will be organizing a number of weekly group activities for the play styles of our members, be it PVE, PVP, Ratting, Mining, Exploration, or a combination of them. I, or another Officer, will schedule them on a popularity-based schedule, being that events that more people show up consecutively will be higher priority to be scheduled than those with lesser turn-outs. There will always be a normal scheduled event for each type, but the ones more people show interest in will be expanded to grow upon first.
Secondly: Apex Sanctum will now have an active skill requirement list for ALL MEMBERS. It is not an intensive list, and the reason behind having these specific skills are for both being valuable to the alliance/corp, and for general survivability in NullSec. They are as follows:

Minimum Skills: Ships/Drones

Cruisers III (your race of choice)
Battlecruisers I (your race of choice)
Drones V
Drone Specialization I (your race of choice)
Light Drone Operation V
Minimum Skills: Defensive (Shield Tank)

Shield Upgrades III
Power Grid Management III
Shield Operation I
Tactical Shield Management I
Energy Grid Upgrades II
Minimum Skills: Defensive (Armor Tank)

Hull Upgrades III
Mechanics III (V for Hull repair large if you want it)
Repair Systems I
—–As a note to the above skills, They are the bare minimum needed to give yourself a fighting chance down here guys, I went through every beginner fit and every piece to make sure I can DEFINITELY give you guys something good to fly to enjoy yourselves here. That being said, once we have established this foundation of skills, we can sit down together and find a suitable direction that plays to your strengths and enjoyments and form a future fit and skill queue accordingly. I just want to make it clear, THE SKILLS LISTED ABOVE ARE THE ONLY REQUIREMENTS WE ARE ASKING AS FAR AS SKILLS GO.

Thirdly: The alliance has been working its tail off to secure Sovereignty Space in our areas and keep them under our control. We have recently managed to take a new system and are in the process of setting up POS’s and an actual System Station in the area. For now though, while all that is ironed out and defensive measures are put into place for the ratters/miners, we have been given permission to launch two POS’s of our own in NSBE-L. These will be a Mining/Refining Station owned by MinerAstroid Morales, and a Research and Development/Construction Array Station owned by Raven Queen Ishamuto. Both stations will have a corporate hanger usable by everyone, as well as a Personal hanger to keep your more valuable things in.

These will only be operational by the assistance of the Corp guys. Either DONATING to the pre-designated wallet in the corp itself through isk, or MINING/BUYING FUEL INGREDIENTS will help us keep everything going and making ships/equipment for everyone. More details will be sent out after the POS’s are up and running.

Lastly: For anyone worried about moving items IN TO or OUT OF H-ADOC can go through our Alliance’s shipping company Logical Dynamics. Prices are as follows:

1-30k m3 15mil

30-50k m3 30mil

50-70k m3 45mil

70-100k m3 60mil